Thursday, August 23, 2007

First Day of school good and alot of bad

A hug from Sister

Yeah Travis started school today. He is going to Olivelands. Matt, Theresa & I took him to school this morning. We got to meet his teacher Ms. Burke. She seemed very nice and Travis took off riding on the tricycle. He didn't care if we were there or not. Everything seemed great. I didn't get a call so all seemed good. We signed him up for the after school program because they provide 45-60 minutes of tutoring every day. The program is free so might as well take advantage.

5:30 this is the time we are supposed to pick Travis up from after school care. Matt arrives with Theresa and asks the bus driver where after schhol care is located. He points out the building and leaves with the kids on his bus from after school care. Matt goes into the building to pick up Travis and is told that they asked the kids how they were getting home and if they said the bus they put them ( Why would you listen to a 5 year old? Plus we filled out 3 pages that says we are picking him up and who is authorized).

They tell Matt that the bus will drop him off at Briggs School in about 15 minutes. I came straight home because my kid is now lost. 20 minutes has now past and no 
travis or bus.
 I leave Matt at Briggs and go back to Olivelands. They look at 
me when I walk and I tell them I need
help my kid is missing. They inform me he is not missing just misplaced. How do you misplace a kindergartener?

They see that I am about to lose it and decide to call the bus driver to make sure he is on the bus. Thank goodness he is. They tell me the bus will be at Briggs in 5 minutes. I go to Briggs and wait. It takes 15 minutes but my Travis is there. They also put another girl on the bus. Her parents were just as scared as we were. I just kept thinking what if he gets off the bus somewhere and is roaming the streets of Santa Paula.

The one bright spot to this whole episode is the principal of Briggs is there and is going to deal with this first thing in the morning. The bus driver has also been told never to pick up Travis. Travis doesn't seem to have been bothered but we sure were. I don't think we will ever forget his first day of Kindergarten.


Tammy said...

good grief! i would be LIVID! i'm so glad you got him back safe and sound. maybe you should tattoo "i don't ride the bus" on his forehead! :)

Steph! said...

Oh My Gosh!!! I would be screaming at everyone in sight!! See its Greg's job to be calm, not mine!! I am glad he is safe :)

nik and mad said...

Jen I am so sorry that you had to go through that. I think I would have lost my mind. I bet the teacher never makes that mistake again!!!!